Other links
Blogs and websites
This section has quality blog posts and website articles other than from media organisations.
Melbourne’s Culture Taking a Beating - excellent information-packed post on After Hours Speak Easy
Death by Centimetres - All-out Attack on Live Music - extraordinary account of police raid on a venue, by Martin Cooper
The last ever St Pat’s Day? - on the Dan O'Connell website
Labor's HOT Seats can save Live Music's Universities - article by Martin Cooper, includes moving description of live music at the Lomond
MELBOURNE ROOTS - this music blog has quite a few posts about the liquor licensing issues.
Memory and Reflection: Live Music at the Railway Hotel - on Melbourne Roots - “It is devastating that the Government has been able to change the course of Melbourne’s music history so suddenly, in such an arbitrary way.”

Stop the threat to live music in Victoria
THE TOTE: Pay your respects
Melburnians against higher Liquor Licensing
Peter Batchelor must stand up for live music venues
1,000,000 Aussies To Save The TOTE!
Save The Arthouse
The FILL Party (Fairness in Liquor Licensing) - new political party
Stop The Closing Of Live Music Venues In Melbourne
S.L.A.M Rally!! - RALLY in city Feb 23
Save Melbournes Live Music Scene
SLAM (Save Live Australia's Music) - SLAM's official FB Page, new since the rally
Save St Patrick's Day at the Dan O'Connell
Music Doesn't Make You Violent - our new FB page!
C.A.L.M - Citizens Against Live Music - Thanks to us, the Tote Hotel is HISTORY - funny video (funny in a tragic sort of way)
Don't Kill Live Music (Melbourne S.L.A.M. rally) - EXCELLENT video of SLAM rally, by Nadia Astari
The Fair Go 4 Live Music petition - video of petition delivery on steps of Parliament, April 7
THE TOTE DOCUMENTARY - directed by Natalie van den Dungen
Interstate issues
Save Canberra's Music Scene - Facebook group