Information links

General information
Melbourne's Small Venues in crisis! - ‘small venues’ site
Live Music Crisis in Melbourne - Musicians’ Union
Live Music Accord 2010 (pdf) - download Accord from SLAM website and have a read
Fair Go 4 Live Music

Keep Melbourne Live - GREENS campaign page “Save live music - it reduces violence”

Government pages
Liquor Licences Online - look up any venue, to see licence conditions
New Licence Categories - from Jan 2010, Department of Justice
Change Your Existing Licence - here's the confusing array of information and application forms provided for licensees wanting to change their liquor licence in some way.
Liquor Control Reform Regulations - Regulatory Impact Statement, August 2009 (pdf) - read about regulations (hint: search for “music”)
Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 - Act that gave sole Director huge powers

Rollback application
Request from Licensees with Live Music Venues Application Kit - Department of Justice webpage with forms for rolling back security guards licence condition
Request to the Director of Liquor Licensing from Licensees with Live Music Venues (pdf) - the application forms. See the conditions!

S.L.A.M (Save Live Australia's Music) - website for RALLY Feb 23
Music Victoria - Government-funded body set up to represent music interests

Sue MacLellan
First female head of Liquor Licensing in Victoria appointed - press release about Sue MacLellan's appointment, 2005
The woman in the eye of the lockout storm - get some background on Sue MacLellan